Ayeri Kinship Terms

Kinship terms in Ayeri
Kinship terms in Ayeri (click to enlarge)


Close Family (pandaha nasay)

Ayeri English
ayon man, husband
badan father
badanganeng father’s siblings
bāmā mum and dad
batadan grandfather, greatuncle
batadanganeng grandfather’s siblings
dema aunt
diran uncle
envan woman, wife
gan child
gan-gan grandchild
ganengan siblings
kina sister
lay girl, daughter
matadan grandmother, greataunt
matadanganeng grandmother’s siblings
māva mother
māvaganeng mother’s siblings
netu brother
netukina brother-and-sister
palungan partner, spouse
panu female
sān couple
sitangan self, ego
tavamaya grandparents
tengaya parents
yan boy, son
yong male

Further Family (pandaha kaheng)

Ayeri English
bacan grandson, grand-nephew, male 3rd cousin
balay granddaughter, grand-niece, female 3rd cousin
patran cousin
saha (adj) in-law ~
salay niece, daughter-in-law, female 2nd cousin(-in-law)
sampatran 2nd cousin
samyan nephew, son-in-law, male 2nd cousin(-in-law)
sanetu male cousin(-in-law), brother-in-law
sangganye sibling’s children, in-law children
sankina female cousin(-in-law), sister-in-law
sitang- (adv) blood ~