Welcome to Benung. The Ayeri Language Resource!
Ayeri is a fictional language (a conlang), working out ever more details of which has served me as a creative outlet for playing with language and linguistics for many years. This website gathers thoughts documenting the building process as well as other creative works I have made over the years to put theory into practice, and to enjoy what I have created. Have fun browsing through these pages!
Manisu ya Benung. Bukuno narānena Ayeri!
Ang Ayeri narānas manisa (narāntiyanas), sinā le ringyang suyan berdayyena luga pericanjya-ikan. Eng da-lomasāra edanya yām ku-ibangas tiyo, siyā ang ming ajāy narāneri nay sungkoraneri narān. Eng kadāra eda-baloybenung nilanjyas si ang avancon macamley vehanena, linyeley tiyo palung naynay si ang tiyāy ling pericanjya misisānyam neprisānena nay valyanyam sinā tiyayang. Valyu pecamanas eda-baloyyena!