Stylistic experiment: Tahano Hikamu and blackletter

I’m a doodler. More specifically, I’m in the habit of doodling random words and sentences when watching TV. Moreover, ever since I started toying with adapting Ayeri’s Tahano Hikamu writing system to a style that resembles blackletter, that idea hasn’t let go of me, and it’s become part of my idle doodling. I briefly mentioned the idea of a blackletter-style Tahano Hikamu in the grammar (p. 61–62) along with a small example, but I’ve never really documented it seriously. ...

July 3, 2021 · Carsten

Some blackletter-ish doodling

I’ve been looking quite a bit at blackletter writing1 recently and I just randomly doodled around using Ayeri’s script, Tahano Hikamu, as a basis, today: A blackletter-inspired adaptation of Tahano Hikamu The letter ba is slightly difficult because it’s looking left whereas most of the other consonant characters are looking right. The difference between the placeholder consonant and ra is also very minimal, but that it is in the regular form (first rows) as well, plus similarity with ta. I’m not perfectly happy with that ha either. ...

November 22, 2015 · Carsten

Translation Challenge: The Scientific Method

The other day, when I was reading io9, I came across an article about One of the World’s First Statements About the Scientific Method. The article is about a quote by Alhazen—Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham, an Arab polymath of the 10th/11th cenutry CE—, the quotation from his book Doubts Concerning Ptolemy (Al-Shukūk ‛alā Baṭlamyūs). I don’t know how accurate the translation is, but I thought that it would still be nice as a Translation Challenge, so I’m basing the following translation off of this English translation, since I don’t know any Arabic. ...

April 25, 2014 · Carsten