2nd Berlin Conlang Relay

Another local relay was held in Berlin during November 2024. This time, I had the pleasure to translate from Henrik’s ɮɛ̃̂.kɔ̌ʔ as the last person in a circle of seven participants. Thus, I returned my torch back to Bruno, who had started the game, and who translated my Ayeri text into his Paksuta to conclude. Again, the game was run in German due to the limited, local scope. The base text was a version of Aesop’s fable The fox and the grapes. ...

January 15, 2025 · Carsten

Berlin Conlang Relay

A conlang relay was held in May and June 2024 by conlang enthusiasts at the Department of German Studies and Linguistics of Humboldt University of Berlin in association with a few non-Humboldtian friends, together comprising the informal Berlin Conlangers Regulars’ Table. Thinking about it, the last relay I must’ve participated in was the one on the occasion of the 4th Language Creation Conference in 2011 … Pesky little time-flies and their beloved arrows! ...

June 22, 2024 · Carsten

New text on the frontpage, and a cause for celebration

The text on the Ayeri website’s landing page (itself an anacronism these days?) with its evocation of strange, fictitious lands where the language is supposed to be spoken has long slightly bothered me, seeing that I haven’t come up with substantial world-building for this long-running conlanging project of mine so far. Thus, I have recently—and rather ad hoc—come up with a new text that is more plain about Ayeri. Just as with the old text, I’ve tried translating it into Ayeri to give a taste right off the bat. ...

December 13, 2023 · Carsten

“Silent Night” in Ayeri

In December 2022 I posted on my Mastodon account a photo from the Berlin State Library’s Unter den Linden branch featuring a pinboard on which were posted festive tags with Christmas greetings in a slew of languages spoken by library patrons. Christmas-themed cardboard cutouts with Merry Christmas written in a variety of languages ...

January 17, 2023 · Carsten

‘A Grammar of Ayeri’ Available as Print-on-Demand

A Grammar of Ayeri is available from Amazon now, too, so I am assuming you can now indeed order print copies through the regular book trade as well as straight from Lulu.com. 🤓❤️📘 (2018-11-14) If you’ve visited the Grammar page or the Grammar project’s GitHub Codeberg page recently, you will have noticed that I finally decided to publish a version 1.0 of A Grammar of Ayeri on October 1st. While this is a big step forward that took me some courage, I didn’t announce it in a big way, because I have reason to make a somewhat bigger announcement still today. ...

October 22, 2018 · Carsten