PLEASE CALL STELLA ... ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ Please call Stella. Ask her to bring these things with her from the store: six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. She can scoop these things into three red bags and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. Pinyan garu sa Stella. Pinyu yes le tranyam eda-linyaye motonya: navan miye iringkankana hiro, baloy pakir iri kipunena leno, nay yoming rohamparān netuyam yena Bob. Le iltanang naynay segasplastik kivo nay huākaya kāryo agiyam ganyeyam. Ya ming trakayeng eda-linyayeley kong ladang tuvo kay nay ang sepengalayn yes ya Bihanreng raypānya. Pinyan garu sa Stella. Pinyu yes le tranyam eda- linyaye please call-IMP PAT Stella ask-IMP 3s:f.PAT PATFOC fetch-BEN this=thing-PL motonya: navan miye iringkankana hiro, baloy pakir iri kipunena leno, shop-LOC spoon six snow_peas fresh leave thick five cheese-GEN blue nay yoming rohamparān netuyam yena Bob. Le iltanang naynay and perhaps snack brother-BEN 3s:f.GEN Bob. PATFOC need-1pl.AGT furthermore segasplastik kivo nay huākaya kāryo agiyam ganyeyam. Ya ming plastic_snake small and frog big play-BEN kid-PL-BEN LOCFOC can trakayeng eda-linyayeley kong ladang tuvo kay nay ang stuff-3s:f.AGT this=thing-PL-PAT inside bag red three and AGTFOC sepengalayn yes ya Bihanreng raypānya. FUT-meet-1pl 3s:f.PAT LOC Wednesday station-LOC