Tag Archives: notes

“Sa silvu gumo nā, nay prisu, vāng si lita!”

Just a quick translation challenge to myself …

Sa pengalyang asano / similena tado, ang
naraya: Namāng sam / kāryo nay taryankay
bengyon adāhalya. / Ya hemayong kiyisa
nasay adany’, ahalya, / marinas avanu-ngas.
Ang ningyon igān nay / nanding dijisu yona
nosānas kilisarya / nay sagoyamanas:
Sa layaya ban-ikan / tiyanyāng da-dikun
si telugtong tarela, / ya sapratos linyaye:
sapayas si sagoyong; / padangas si kondis’yong.
Nay sa tahanyo eda- / narān bengyamanya:
“Garanang nā SIMANJAS, / bayhiang bayhiyena:
Sa silvu gumo nā, / nay prisu, vāng si lita!”
Hangara ranyareng palung. / Le apanisareng
ahal-nama kebay, pray, / soya, litoya kayvay,
miday nernanyēa / eda-kiyanena nake.

Obvious from what’s printed in capitals, it’s a rendition of Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley into Ayeri. Explanation, gloss etc. forthcoming in the Media section during the course of this week, I hope. Now I hate myself for neglecting to work on my term paper (15 pages due on the 15th, 0 words written so far) all evening for this… 😡

  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe. “Ozymandias.” Representative Poetry Online. Ed. Ian Lancashire. 3rd ed. U Toronto, 2009. Web. 8 Mar. 2011.